Extractor related tables: ROOSOURCE - On source system R/3 server, filter by: OBJVERS = 'A'
Data source / DS type / delta type/ extract method (table or function module) / etc
RODELTAM - Delta type lookup table.
ROIDOCPRMS - Control parameters for data transfer from the source system, result of "SBIW - General setting - Maintain Control Parameters for Data Transfer" on OLTP system.
maxsize: Maximum size of a data packet in kilo bytes
STATFRQU: Frequency with which status Idocs are sent
MAXPROCS: Maximum number of parallel processes for data transfer
MAXLINES: Maximum Number of Lines in a DataPacket
MAXDPAKS: Maximum Number of Data Packages in a Delta Request
SLOGSYS: Source system
Query related tables:RSZELTDIR: filter by: OBJVERS = 'A', DEFTP: REP - query, CKF - Calculated key figure
Reporting component elements, query, variable, structure, formula, etc
RSZELTTXT: Similar to RSZELTDIR. Texts of reporting component elements
To get a list of query elements built on that cube:
RSZELTXREF: filter by: OBJVERS = 'A', INFOCUBE= [cubename]
To get all queries of a cube:
RSRREPDIR: filter by: OBJVERS = 'A', INFOCUBE= [cubename]
To get query change status (version, last changed by, owner) of a cube:
Workbooks related tables:RSRWBINDEX List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks)
RSRWBINDEXT Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks)
RSRWBSTORE Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks)
RSRWBTEMPLATE Assignment of Excel workbooks as personal templates
RSRWORKBOOK 'Where-used list' for reports in workbooks
Web templates tables:RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects
RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/Views
RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template
RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates
Data target loading/status tables:rsreqdone, " Request-Data
rsseldone, " Selection for current Request
rsiccont, " Request posted to which InfoCube
rsdcube, " Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider
rsdcubet, " Texts for the InfoCubes
rsmonfact, " Fact table monitor
rsdodso, " Directory of all ODS Objects
rsdodsot, " Texts of ODS Objects
sscrfields. " Fields on selection screens
Tables holding charactoristics:RSDCHABAS: fields
OBJVERS -> A = active; M=modified; D=delivered
(business content characteristics that have only D version and no A version means not activated yet)
TXTTABFL -> = x -> has text
ATTRIBFL -> = x -> has attribute
RSREQICODS. requests in ods
RSMONICTAB: all requests
Transfer Structures live in PSAPODSD
/BIC/B0000174000 Trannsfer Structure
Master Data lives in PSAPSTABD
/BIC/IXXXXXXX SID Structure of hierarchies:
/BIC/JXXXXXXX Hierarchy intervals
/BIC/KXXXXXXX Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID:
/BIC/PXXXXXXX Master data (time-independent):
/BIC/SXXXXXXX Master data IDs:
/BIC/TXXXXXXX Texts: Char.
/BIC/XXXXXXXX Attribute SID table:
Master Data views
/BIC/MXXXXXXX master data tables:
/BIC/RXXXXXXX View SIDs and values:
/BIC/ZXXXXXXX View hierarchy SIDs and nodes:
InfoCube Names in PSAPDIMD
/BIC/Dcube_name1 Dimension 1
/BIC/Dcube_nameA Dimension 10
/BIC/Dcube_nameB Dimension 11
/BIC/Dcube_nameC Dimension 12
/BIC/Dcube_nameD Dimension 13
/BIC/Dcube_nameP Data Packet
/BIC/Dcube_nameT Time
/BIC/Dcube_nameU Unit
/BIC/Ecube_name Fact Table (inactive)
/BIC/Fcube_name Fact table (active)
ODS Table names (PSAPODSD)BW3.5
/BIC/AXXXXXXX00 ODS object XXXXXXX : Actve records
/BIC/AXXXXXXX40 ODS object XXXXXXX : New records
/BIC/AXXXXXXX50 ODS object XXXXXXX : Change log
/BIC/AXXXXXXX00 ODS object XXXXXXX : Actve records
/BIC/AXXXXXXX10 ODS object XXXXXXX : New records
T-code tables:tstc -- table of transaction code, text and program name
tstct - t-code text